September 1, 2005

Jack's Mannequin- Everything in Transit

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Andrew McMahon, the lead singer of Jack’s Mannequin, better known as the front man of Something Corporate, has a solo album that hit stores last week. Everything In Transit is purely a solo project. The sound of the album, however, vaguely resembles Something Corporate.

Usually, when artists create a solo album, there is a minimal difference between the solo album and the albums they create with their respective bands. With a full band, ideas are thrown around and the final sound is, hopefully, a collaboration of ideas from every member. On the other hand, with a solo album, the artist can pretty much do whatever the hell they want to. Fortunately, McMahon did what he desired and created a sound that is, although not entirely new, a notch above previous projects he has worked on (Something Corporate).

Everything In Transit is purely a pop album. The first half starts out strong, but the remaining songs fail to go out with a bang. The beginning of the album is bearable and simply put; it’s cute, mediocre pop. The second half is borderline mediocre/unbearable.

The greatest improvement McMahon has delivered is a level of musical maturity. McMahon’s vocals are easily recognizable as the lead singer of SoCo. I say “easily” because it constantly sounds like he is whining. If you listen closely, the whine can still be heard on a few songs, but for the most part, McMahon decided to open his mouth and try out the whole singing thing. In addition, the piano escapades are more rehearsed, confident and deliver a stronger impact.

Jack’s Mannequin, in comparison to Something Corporate, has a mature vibe rarely heard from SoCo. Upon first listen, a whopping one song stood out in my head. The fourth track, “I’m Ready,” is cleverly written with a background monologue simultaneously played with the chorus. The greatest parts of the album are in the split monologue where McMahon discusses his t-shirt use. More importantly, he blatantly states, “my life has become a boring pop song and everyone is singing along.”

Other standout tracks include “Bruised” and “Rescued.” I can almost hear “Bruised” being turned up by 14-year-old girls listening to the radio. It’s made to be a pop song for the masses because the chorus is clear cut and easy to memorize (not that I tried) while the lyrics are easy to understand. “Rescued,” although towards the end of the album, is without a doubt the best track. McMahon confidently nails the vocals, the piano fits perfectly and the overall sound is clearly thought out and rehearsed.

Overall, Everything In Transit is average. There are a few solid songs, but many tracks on the album seem like fillers.

Archived article by Adrian Prieto
Sun Staff Writer