October 22, 2008

Prison Sentence Hustle ‘Cause Your Papa’s Got The Muscle: The Nick Hogan Story

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[img_assist|nid=32853|title=Nick Hogan is greeted by his sister, Brooke, this past Tuesday after being released from jail.|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=|height=0]This past Tuesday, October 21, Nick Hogan was released from jail after just 166 days–and that’s after sending his best friend, John Graziano, into a vegetative state after a bout of reckless driving, culminating in a crash.

Hogan has been released due to “good behavior,” but we common folk are skeptical. It’s no secret that celebrities get out of all kinds of trouble. After all, money may not buy you happiness, but it sure does buy you freedom. The youngest Hogan reportedly arrived home to a party, but quite obviously, Graziano was unable to attend.

What’s more, Nick is expected to star in a reality show about life post-crash and his parents seem to support him wholeheartedly. I watch trash. Real, legitimate television trash, and even I won’t watch this. (At least not regularly.)

But no one should be surprised about the plans for the show. After a somewhat despicable appearance by Hogan’s parents, Linda and Terry Hogan, on Larry King Live in early June 2008, it became apparent to viewers that they expected special treatment for their son and were encouraging him to bounce back via VH1 reality television to make back some of the money spent on legal fees.

The Hulk on Larry King Live

Of course it’s no fun to do time behind bars, but the way in which the Hogans have gone about mending their son’s bruised reputation is somewhat objectionable. That, in tandem with Nick’s rather quick stint in jail, doesn’t bode well for saving the wrestling legend’s family name.