September 19, 2012

Predicting the Death of Andy Warhol

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Andy Warhol is everywhere these days. Just yesterday, on the 50th anniversary of his first show, the Met unveiled the “Regarding Warhol” retrospective, which includes 50 of his works and 100 more from 59 of his contemporaries. This coincides, not unintentionally, with Target’s launch of 1.2 million special collector editions of Campbell’s tomato soup, mimicking the $10 million dollar print of Warhol’s Four Campbell’s Soup Cans — so the everyday shopper can buy their own piece of pop art for just 75 cents a can (or rather the $50+ enterprising shoppers have been hawking on eBay). Then, of course, there’s the on-going legal battle between The Velvet Underground founders, Lou Reed and John Cale, over the proliferation of their debut album’s cover graphic, the iconic, 45-year-old pop art banana designed by Warhol (who used to hobnob with The Velvet Underground and Nico as they conducted band practices in his infamous Factory). Even without all this press, you’ve still probably seen a Marilyn Monroe triptych decal pasted on the back of a Macbook belonging to some wannabe Warholic (read: tryhard trendygirl in Libe).

Original Author: Alice Wang