November 18, 2013

TRUSTEE VIEWPOINT: The 16.1 Things for Grad Students to Do

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I’ve been a student at Cornell for seven years. While that doesn’t necessarily make me Van Wilder, I’d like to think that I’ve experienced and caused my fair share of the insanity that Cornell has to offer. I’d also venture to say that the minstrels will, someday, glorify my escapades at Cornell in their immortal ballads, or at least I can believe as much in my dreams.

These credentials are as good as any for offering up my AUTHORITATIVE list of the 16.1 things graduate students must do while at Cornell (and by authoritative, I mean, things I enjoy doing). Why a list with ten times fewer things to do than the undergrad list? As grad students, you need to prioritize.

16.1. Graduate. This is perhaps the most difficult task of all; it will also be the most rewarding.