February 3, 2014

Cornell Will Make Printing Eco-Friendly

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A new resolution passed by the Student Assembly Thursday states that Cornell’s printing system, Net-Print, will undergo several changes to help students save money and paper.

The resolution proposes three primary changes which would make Net-Print more sustainable: lowering the cost of printing on the back side of paper, using 100 percent post-consumer waste paper and changing the default settings on all printers to double-sided.

Matthew Stefanko ’16, industrial and labor relations representative for the S.A., who wrote the resolution along with Matthew Henderson ’16, agriculture and life sciences representative for the S.A., and Emma Johnston ’16, environmental task force chair for the Community Life Committee of the S.A., said their goal was to protect the environment while helping students save money.

“There’s a lot of people here who print in a way that isn’t environmentally friendly, whether through their own decision or through the way that Net-Print is set up,” Stefanko said. “We recognized … [that] we could cut costs to promote environmentally friendly initiatives.”

A student uses Net-Print, which S.A. representatives hope to make more environmentally-friendly. (Simon Li / Sun Staff Photographer)