City Disregards Noise Ordinance Plea

Student Assembly President Ryan Lavin ’09 addressed the Ithaca Common Council last night in an effort to reduce tension between Collegetown residents and law enforcement officials — a tense relationship that has escalated recently with the increase of noise ordinance violation citations.
“We need address the relationship between student residents in Collegetown, city officials, and law enforcement agencies,” Lavin said. “It’s not one of particular cooperation or collaboration right now. In fact, I say its been one of animosity, and it I think it will continue only to get worse unless we address it.”

Pell Grant Program Struggles To Match Rising Tuition Rates

While the federal government continues marathon economic sessions in Washington over the current economic crisis, there are concerns about future funding for government programs. The Bush administration recently warned Congress that $6 billion more would be needed next year to keep up with demands placed on the Pell Grant program — the largest student aid program of the U.S.
Before the current economic crisis, the Pell Grant program was already weakened by yearly grant increases that did not match the rapidly growing tuition rates across the country.
Now, the possibility of less funding may weaken the program more than ever.

Students Want “Cornell” Name Out of Review Title

The Cornell Review controversy over printing an article about campus “ghettos,” “bitter minorities” and affirmative action became even more pronounced yesterday when students proposed a resolution to the Student Assembly to ban the use of the Cornell name by the biweekly journal’s title.
The article, “What to Expect: The Angry Minority,” said students in program houses — only at Cornell because of affirmative action and scholarships — complain about brutal oppression from “whitey.”
Students Nikhil Kumar ’11, minority representative-at-large, and Nicole Rivera ’09, president of the Minority Business Student Association, brought the resolution to the table.