Cornell’s Food Allergy Labeling Isn’t Just for Show

Food allergies are serious — students and dining halls alike have to pay more attention to cross contamination and labeling. While Cornell has made great strides to make its dining halls accessible and safe to everyone, they must refine their labeling process to be more specific when it comes to the label “tree nut” and be careful about container placement.

MEHLER | Happy Birthday Toni Morrison

None of us had put together that we happened to visit Morrison Dining on Toni Morrison’s birthday, but it led us down a conversation of the names on buildings and how they came to be there. There has been plenty of discussion around how buildings are named, and even more articles about their origins, but the most important conclusion we landed on was that the names of buildings matter. While nowhere close to a nuclear physicist myself, I know more about Hans Bethe than I do about any other scientist after living in his namesake dorm for the past two years. ILR’s founding dean Irving Ives, Human Ecology’s founder Martha Van Rensselaer, and other notable Cornellians continue their legacies through building names across campus.

MEHLER | The Return to Fieri & Ramsay

The suite encompassess our personalized touches around a small knee-high table stacked with green to-go containers and plastic cups. Our small area compiles an assortment of a small couch, an armchair, an ottoman, a couple of home-brought chairs and our suite mascot, Steven the Reptile (we still dispute whether he is an alligator or crocodile). Nonetheless, we dine in our home-sweet-home dining room. But at the head of the table sits our most regular guests at dinner: Guy Fieri and Gordon Ramsey.

WISE-ROJAS | Privilege Check: Saying Thank You at the Dining Hall

This isn’t to say that Cornell Dining is perfect. Yeah, sometimes it’s crowded, and it’s annoying when the food you were waiting for runs out and there isn’t any more left. However, having access to an abundance of food as a college student is a huge privilege. BestColleges also echoes that since “many college students struggle to cover basic needs,” how “those who lack family support are especially likely to struggle to afford food, and report eating less, eating less healthy, and going hungry.”