ONONYE | Is Womansplaining Activism?

In honesty, while I will be the first to say that Womansplaining is (definitely!) my favorite part of being a Cornell student, it doesn’t actually take me a lot to write my columns. I write most of them in an hour or two the Friday before they’re due to my editor. I prioritize my own experiences and thoughts (key my apt title: Womanplaining) and most of those experiences happened the week that I write: e.g. this week I went to a talk and now I’m writing about my thoughts from that talk, the week of the 2020 election I wrote about the election, when I ran for Student Assembly I wrote about Student Assembly. Obviously my opinion writing is different from writing my thesis or a class paper, but a lot of times they come from the same space. And the crux of the question is whether or not a writing about feminism is feminist activism. 

What’s Good Enough?

The things I feel, learn and notice while watching a show teach me about my own interests and biases; whether I am furious, ambivalent or in agreement with characters often illuminates my morals and politics.

Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon Celebrates Women in STEM

The Sunday event — which coincided with Ada Lovelace Day, which celebrates the contributions of one of history’s first computer programmers — was organized by librarians Selena Bryant of Mann Library, and Wendy Wilcox of Olin Library.