October 30, 2000

'Rocking' for Ralph

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With nine days until election day, the local Green Party upheld Presidential candidate Ralph Nader’s reputation for energetic rallies by campaigning for him at last night’s “Rock for Ralph” at the downtown Odyssey night club.

The club was packed with Green Party supporters and music lovers alike, who had the opportunity to donate money directly to the campaign and get informed about party issues and candidates.

“It’s to get the word out, to have fun and to raise awareness about the party,” said Fern deLise, one of the coordinators of the event.

The lineup included both local bands and party supporters, including Plastic Nebraska, Lindenberry Beat Reduction, the MacGullicuddies, Joe Salzano, Jeannie Burns, Strauss dePaolo & King, Tamara J. Brown, Susan Lytle and David Redmond.

Several tables just inside the doors provided literature about Nader, vice presidential candidate Winona LaDuke and general party goals, including full medical coverage for all Americans, campaign finance reform, withdrawal from NAFTA and the World Trade Organization, consumer protection and environmental protection.

“There are a lot of people supportive of Ralph in Ithaca,” Grace Ritter said.

“I feel like the Democrats have abandoned me,” said Antonella Romano grad, co-chair of the Tompkins County Green Party and member of the Cornell Green Party. “I am a die hard Nader fan.”

Archived article by Stacy Williams