As the frosty Ithaca winter draws near, Cornell students are starting to bundle up. Some students, concerned that some of the community may be left out in the cold, are participating in “Share the Warmth,” Cornell’s 8th annual clothing drive, which began Nov. 17 and will end next Monday.
“If we are able to go to Cornell, we have a big advantage,” said Richard Crabb ’04, member of the Ecology House and Alpha Phi Omega (APO) honor fraternity. “Now, we can share that advantage.”
“We [as Cornell students] have all these luxuries,” said Nathaniel Berman ’02, a member of APO and the Jewish students’ organization Hillel. “We don’t think about those who are doing without.”
The sponsors, which include the Ecology House, APO, the Jewish students’ organization Hillel, Campus Life, and the Ithaca Rotary are encouraging students to put clothing that they no longer use in donation receptacles located in all residence halls as well as Willard Straight Hall, Robert Purcell Community Center, Statler Club, Kennedy Hall, Big Red Barn, Noyes Community Center and Collegetown Bagels on College Avenue.
Share the Warmth committee chair Vincent Lee ’03 hopes that the festive time of year will have a positive impact on the drive.
“Since it’s around Thanksgiving, hopefully people will remember what they’re thankful for and be generous,” Lee said.
“During the holiday season, people tend to be more receptive to the concept of giving to the community,” agreed Ecology House member Vince Savath ’03.
After Campus Life Housekeeping Services collects the donated clothing, students, faculty and members of Ithaca’s rotary club will sort the clothing at the Ecology House.
“Last year the clothing filled up the lobby of the Eco house. It’s really something,” Savath said.
Next week, the sponsors will distribute the donated clothing to community residents at the Ithaca fire station at 310 West Green St.
Archived article by Elisa Jillson