March 13, 2001 Exhibits Clips of Cornellians

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Are you interested in knowing what your Cornell peers are really doing in their spare time?

All this week will be showing video clips of Cornell students in a wide variety of settings such as at fraternity houses, aboard the Bluelight bus system and touring the campus as part of a national College Reality Tour featuring reality videos on the Internet.

Each week, the site airs videos from a different college, with the expectation that 25 schools will be filmed throughout the duration of the project. In the past, Syracuse University, Smith College and Dartmouth College were among the schools featured.

“Alltrue is exposing the kinds of things the colleges don’t want you to see, things for better or worse you wish you saw in an admissions guide before making that crucial college decision,” according to Lane Buschel, an Alltrue representative.

The website was created by Tim Nye as part of a massive project to show interesting material from college campuses on the Internet. Nye noticed a trend of students trading videos on the Internet and through e-mail. As a result, Nye founded the Alltrue website to show the college world “in such an immediate way