The Academy Award ceremony has become less about drama and more about dress! The Oscars are the equivalent of the Superbowl in the fashion world. A win or a loss can make or break a career for both stars and designers.
This year, fashion followers thought hired for life, have been fired until they can prove themselves once again as conscientious models of style. Stunners like Gwenyth Paltrow (what was she thinking?), Jennifer Connelly (skin tone is not this season’s hottest color), and Nicole Kidman (can we say birthday cake?) brutally disappointed the masses with unflattering and tasteless choices.
The men were in finer form than usual with aristocratic suitings accented with sublimely colored ties. Ben Kinsley’s pale pink cravat was red hot and Hugh Jackman brought back the almost forgotten tuxedo with a vengence. The knee length tuxedo jackets worn by Russell Crow and Will Smith left something to be desired.
So here are my pics for best and worst dressed of the sexes. And to add my two cents, if Joan Rivers is going to be the loudest mouth in fashion, she better leave the gaudy lime green costume jeweled earrings to the drag queens.
Archived article by Laura Thomas