It’s off to Boston as the men’s heavyweight crew prepares for competition in the annual Head of the Charles regatta tomorrow and Sunday. The Head of the Charles, which is known as crew’s homecoming, is the world’s largest two-day rowing event. It is host to thousands of athletes and spectators from around the globe and 19 different race events for youth, club, collegiate, and master teams.
The Head of the Charles was established in 1965 by the Cambridge Boat Club with the assistance of Ernest Arlett, a Harvard University sculling instructor. The race is conducted in a similar method to those held in England as each boat races against each other and the clock with teams starting in a staggered sequence beside each other.
Last year the Red placed 10th out of the 40 teams competing in the championship eight division. Its time was within five percent of top teams such as the U.S. National Team, the German national team, Harvard, and the Netherlands. This year, the team hopes to improve upon previous results and continue to remain within the top five percent of the top competitors in order to secure an entry for next year. In addition, it is also aiming to place as high as possible against the other competing collegiate institutions.
The secret for this weekend according to interim head coach Dan Allen is “strengthening, conditioning, and trying to find the right combination of guys for the three mile course.”
This year’s crew will consist of nine men that includes four seniors, four juniors, and one sophomore. Although there is only one returning member of last year’s boat, Allen still feels that this crew will provide “good returning experience, fitness, and an ability to crank hard all the way”.
Allen, who regularly coaches for the freshman heavyweight team, is serving as the varsity interim coach for the 2002-2003 season as Dan Roock, Cornell’s director of rowing, is on sabbatical. His expectation for this weekend is to “continue the upward momentum that Dan Roock has established. We would love to make him proud.”
Archived article by Danielle Nicholson