February 27, 2003

Comedian Morgan Delights Bailey With Unique Humor

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Comedian Tracy Morgan, best known for his work on the long-running television program Saturday Night Live (SNL), performed to a full house in Bailey Hall last night.

The performance was received by an enthusiastic audience, and Morgan went on to deliver an outstanding performance in the minds of many.

Opening for Morgan was comedian John Priest, who described the crowd as “a bit rowdy for the high SAT-scoring guys.” After some efforts to warm up the crowd, Priest made art history, the College of Hotel Administration and Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick the target of his razor wit.

Priest also discussed romantic relationships at length, as well as his “half Russian Jew, half Bronx Jew” heritage. He described Israel as home to “some of the most beautiful Jewish women in the world.”

“I don’t know what happens when they get to Long Island,” he added.

Shortly afterward Morgan took the stage, where the audience greeted him with thunderous applause.

“That’s crazy,” he responded in the voice of his popular SNL character Brian Fellow.

Among the topics of his comedy were the kindness of upstate New Yorkers in comparison with residents of his native Bronx, race, breastfeeding, relationships and sex, Michael Jackson’s personal issues and recording artist 50 Cent.

During his performance, Morgan expressed his appreciation of the tribulations of college life, including the lack of privacy and the devotion of one’s youth to studying.

Morgan also offered a good deal of advice on relationships. To keep the spark alive throughout a long-term relationship, he recommended “mutual encouragement and reciprocation” of love. He also advised couples that when it comes to keeping excitement in a sexual relationship, “it’s all about the risk.”

The impending war on Iraq was another topic Morgan discussed briefly. He questioned the government’s motives for pursuing military intervention, saying that in the end it was “all about oil.”


All in all, the audience’s response to Morgan