October 28, 2003

Women's Soccer Diary: Part I

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Though we like to boast about our trip, we have come to realize that not everyone else was all that excited to hear that we, the pretty girls of the Cornell women’s soccer team, spent a glorious four days in beautiful Hawaii. These people were namely the jealous, disgruntled Cornell students who were left to weather the mainland shrapnel of Hurricane Isabel or the men’s soccer team who traveled to the farm country of Peoria, Illinois (my homeland) the same weekend we were in beautiful Oahu. However, some excited members of the media thought it would be great for us to come back and recount the tales of the island paradise. And thus I am more than happy to narrate the 2003 Women’s soccer trip to Hawaii.

Wednesday, Sept. 19th:

6:00 p.m.

We’ve been saying it all week long and it never seems to get old