This week’s type of weather drives me insane! In my groggy wake-up state, I have been looking out the window, seeing beautiful sunshine, and beginning to believe that it’s actually pleasant outside. This obviously frustrates me because I know deep down inside that as soon as I venture out of my apartment building, my lips and hands will immediately chap and my nose will lose feeling. Yesterday’s weather was simply gorgeous to look at, but difficult to be in. However, the morning did yield us an unusual meteorological phenomenon over Cayuga Lake. Steam Fog formed when lake water began to evaporate into the dry air above it, creating an awesome scene. This only happens when air temperatures are much cooler than water temperatures. Considering the lake temperature is above freezing (since the vast majority of the lake is unfrozen), and the air temperature was -17 in during the night, the difference was obviously big enough. For today, more clouds will be around, but I believe the sun will prevail as the mercury rises towards freezing, topping out around 31. Tonight, flurries are possible under mostly cloudy skies, with lows dipping into the upper teens, towards 20. Tomorrow, Ithaca will re-emerge from the freeze as temperatures finally return to more seasonable numbers. The rest of the week will continue to see highs in the 30s, much to my delight.
In a call to you, the loyal reader of my Cornell Daily Sun weather column, The Sun asked for assistance in thinking of more catchy adjectives to describe the low temperatures being felt in our area. I must admit, I can definitely use the help. Please understand that when temperatures remain so low for so many days on end, it becomes incredibly difficult to describe the sensation in a creative, attractive manner. If you, or anyone you know, has any suggestions to help me make cold weather seem more alluring, please let me know ASAP. Help me, help you!
Birds flying low, expect rain and a blow!
Archived article by Adam Daum