A female Cornell student was hit by a car last night on East Avenue across from the north side of Goldwin Smith Hall. The Cornell University Police Department received a call about the incident at 9:24 p.m. and arrived within 10 minutes.
The car was traveling southbound on East Avenue when it struck the victim. CUPD officers found her approximately 20 feet from the crosswalk, where there was also small debris from the car and some blood where her head had hit the curb. Sgt. David M. Honan of the CUPD said that the extent of the victim’s injuries were unknown, but another officer later reported that she was conscious and in stable condition when she was taken to Arnot Ogden Medical Center in Elmira.
Dan Galindo ’04, a Sun reporter who is the victim’s housemate, said that paramedics called him from the victim’s cell phone to tell him that she was in stable condition. According to Galindo, the paramedics said the that the victim might be released later that night, although he added that this was still uncertain.
Honan said that the CUPD did not have a cause for the accident but that there was no evidence that the driver was under the influence of any substances. CUPD marked the road where the victim’s feet lay so that they could reconstruct the accident in the morning.
At the time of publication, the victim’s status was still being evaluated, according to Judy Davidson, a clinical supervisor at the hospital.
Archived article by Yuval Shavit