March 16, 2004

Hillel Honors Jewish Student Leaders

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Hillel, Cornell’s largest Jewish student organization, held its first annual Jewish Student Leaders Appreciation Dinner last Sunday. The purpose of the dinner was to honor Jewish students on campus who have made a difference, not only in Jewish organizations, but in other aspects of campus life as well.

“You were invited here tonight because you are a part of an ethnic minority, and the greatest weapon that each of us has to combat prejudice and bigotry, is the integrity of our own personal lives and what we do with them,” said Rabbi Ed Rosenthal, executive director of Hillel at Cornell, addressing the audience.

The keynote speaker at the event was Harold Tanner ’52, chairman emeritus of the Cornell University Board of Trustees, and current president of the American Jewish Committee, a national organization devoted to strengthening the well-being of Jewish Americans. Tanner gave a speech about his life as an American, a Jew, and a Cornellian.

“I love this institution for its diversity, its academic opportunity