Question: It’s the first day of sun after another cold front and people are out enjoying themselves. Not that we at The Sun need an excuse, but we thought we’d ask anyway – what are you drinking to tonight?
Norm Porticella grad said:
“It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to be out here [on the CTB patio].”
Zoe Hartman ’07 said:
“The warm weather.”
Matthew Dietz ’07 said:
“Senior year.”
Amanda Pittarelli ’07 said:
“I don’t have classes on Friday, so the weekend . . . and to parents paying for my booze.”
Peter Larit ’07 said:
“Secret ooze [from the Ninja Turtles] and Steely Dan.”
Meredith Coburn ’07 said:
“The last hurrah.”
Jane Riccobono ’09 said: