Trumansburg Man Indicted on Sexual Assault Charges
James E. “Jimbo” Thommen, 37, of Trumansburg, was arraigned on Friday in Tompkins County Courthouse on charges of felony sexual and physical assault. Thommen was arrested by the Ithaca Police Department on March 21 in an Ithaca resteraunt after allegedly assaulting a woman in his home and later in an Ithaca area cemetery, and was indicted on Friday on 23 counts of sexual assault, kidnapping and illegal possession of a weapon.
Tompkins County Emergency Services May Implement New Communication System
The Tompkins County Public Safety Committee has voiced its support of a $2 million plan that would provide the County’s emergency response agencies with compatible radios. The plan is designed to improve the efficiency of communication among area emergency services, enabling local emergency response officers to communicate immediately on the County’s soon-to-be-implemented 800 megahertz emergency communication system, according to an April 17 County statement.