Karma’s a bitch. I stop reading IvyGate for the summer, decide to check in once and find out that I’ve been turned into grist for the (clearly pretty empty) mill.
What I was trying to express, however clumsily, was that while I love rap I feel that if my favorite rappers are not an option for Slope Day (they’ve either already played at Cornell or are otherwise occupied) then I’d rather see another of my favorite artists from a different genre (which leads us to the Hold Steady). As for the gunshot line, what I should have made clear was that it was not aimed to dismiss rap as a genre or at any specific rappers (other than T.I.).
So, let’s run through this, just to be safe: I love rap, I’m not a racist, I do think T.I.’s Slope Day show was an embarrassment and I’d love to see the Hold Steady for Slope Day. Thanks for playing.