Ok, I get it. You read my article religiously and you have developed a bit of a need-to-please complex. You try to soak in all of my advice but with midterms and papers, and your ever-active social life, you’ve found the task of living up to my expectations to be a bit trying. You wake up in the middle of the night wondering if it’s Vera or CK Bradley that you should be angry at (and it’s Vera! Vera!), and you occasionally wear leggings all day long because you thought that was what I told you to do.
Honey, it’s all right. I forgive you.
We need to take a time out from 4 a.m. readings on the wonders of microeconomics and set our heads back on straight. And what better time then fall break? Past mistakes are old news, it is now time to pay attention and use your free time to stock up on what is really important in life: classic outerwear and fall basics.
As you prepare for a weekend of cocktails that aren’t distributed at frats and shopping that does not include either Morgan’s or that new store on Eddy St., and since you have probably had a long week of arduous studying, I am here to help. I have always been a firm believer that when you are stressed out or not at your best mentally, looking your best is more important than ever. It helps hold you together and feel positive about something in your life (somebody should really pass that onto Britney — think of how much better Linds Lo pulls off crazy due to almost always looking her best).
So a few things you should look for to help cover up your chaotic and hectic Cornell lifestyle are great boots, and coats, all the necessary outwear for Ithaca.
Out with the old and in the new. I’m talking about disposing of your old Uggs and purchasing a new pair of boots. Boots that are hot this fall 2007 and winter 2008 are flat boots, including the riding boot or boots with a chunky heel that covers your ankles (Lacoste had great boots in their runway show; maybe take a look for inspiration?). Boots are very practical and with the right leather and soles, these fashionable footwear will be able to endure a great deal of the Ithaca climate. Although many of the riding boots and ankle boots on the market this fall are fabulous, I do admit, they won’t protect you from the blizzards of fall ’07 and winter ’08. But then again, neither will those hefty Uggs. Those boots, created in Australia for the warm climate (read: not many mountains of snow) are not adequate for our climate. I have a pair (yes I do) and though they do a good job of keeping toes from freezing off, those soles are not meant for heavy duty snow. I suggest buying a pair of hunter rain boots, or one of the many J. Crew prints and using them for rain, sleet and snow! Let’s remember that when in a hurry, boots are easy and they can make quite a presence (maybe even raise a compliment to make your hectic day less miserable).
Considering we all reside on the Cornell campus in Ithaca, it is important that we have coats that first: flatter us, and second: keep us warm. Considering we had the craziest bi-polar winter last year and fall so far, I would say it is important to have a wide variety of coats in your closet. A light blazer, light winter jacket and a down jacket with ski pants might cover all aspects of the Ithaca winter climate. Maybe not the ski pants, but I’m sure you catch my drift. As I have stated in previous articles, it is important this season to have a tailored fit and to look sophisticated. While purchasing your coat for this winter, think about making it your statement of the year. Coats are very important this fall. Big collars, round shoulders, a combination of different materials and patchworks this season all go. Also, when shopping for a light coat consider military-style jackets or fitted blazers to go over your sweater. This look is easy to throw on and perfect for getting in and out of your car while running daily errands or for when the paparazzi are snapping photos (aka Sun photographers working with me).
Other important stock up items this fall are J. Crew cashmere sweaters (Student ID 10% off!), Splendid thermals and American Apparel tees. If you find yourself wearing prints that make it look like your pants are fighting with your shirt and that your shoes are winning the battle, please stock up on these simple and classic items immediately and start eliminating those that are hazardous. Loud and particularly interesting pieces should really be limited to one item of clothing and one accessory.
Remember, Halloween is only one night a year. Dress responsibly.