And here are the week’s top Cornell and college-related news that didn’t deserve a full story. Or maybe they do, that’s up to you.
IvyGate has quite the tip from a West Campus dorm: “a group e-mail to residents of Founder Hall details the ‘big health concern’ posed by those who pee in bottles and leave them in public spaces.” Might I say for all of us at The Sun, WTF? [12/13/2007]
The Ithaca Journal reports that the University’s Department of Policy Analysis and Management (PAM) will be helping to study the state of health care coverage in New York and make recommendations for how to provide coverage to the estimated 2.2 million state residents without it. [12/12/2007]
Harvard University totally revamps their financial aid. “Starting next year, a typical family earning $120,000 would pay about $12,000, down from $19,000 currently. For a typical family earning $180,000, the payment would drop from more than $30,000 to $18,000. Under the new plan, parents earning between $60,000 and $120,000 will pay a percentage of their income, rising to 10 percent. Families with incomes between $120,000 and $180,000 will have to pay 10 percent of their incomes, but no more.” Given that Cornell’s endowment is the smallest per student of the Ivies, it is but a pipe dream to see this happen to Big Red. [12/10/2007]
the carnelian post is a blog written by Sun Senior Editor Julie Geng, who can be reached at [email protected]. Feel free to send questions or comments her way.