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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Overheard 10-9: "It’s hard to argue that St. Paul didn’t hate lustful butt sex."

Sick lacrosse player 1: Dude this song is sick who’s it by? Sick lacrosse player 2: Hoobastank, bro. Sick lacrosse player 1: Nice man, we should put this on the warm up, it’s getting me pumped up. Sick lacrosse player 2: Yea I know. It makes me want to smash my head through a concrete wall. — Mac’s

Annoyed girl: Get the fucking dick ring off the fucking printer. — State St.

Frat guy: So what did you end up doing last night? Obnoxious jock: I blacked out and woke up in Dickson. — Central Campus

Confused Boy: I contacted my sponsor for that program, and get this: Her favorite TV show is Friends, and she was on the women’s soccer team. So we have a lot in common. — Becker Dining Hall

Pretentious student: Well, obviously, it’s obvious that, the film is obviously saying that ... I mean, the obvious implication of the film is that the filmmaker is, through his film, meaning to imply to his audience something along the lines of .. through images, that... Bemused Professor: I’m sorry, do you have a point? — Goldwin Smith Hall

Phys Ed instructor: It’s hard to argue that St. Paul didn’t hate lustful butt sex. — Cayuga Lake

Desperate horny girl: Who needs a guy when you’ve got airrrrrrrr!!!!! (Starts humping ... the air.) — Collegetown

Professor: So, if we consider the issue of euthanasia... ambitious freshman: Oh, you mean like forced child labor? — Central

Angry girl: He just thinks he’s cool because he lives in Risley and is going to get syphilis. — Collegetown

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