November 13, 2008

The Credit Crisis' Silver Lining? Super Duper Shopping Bargains!

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So it’s hard to avoid all the chatter about the economy crashing and Americans “cutting back.” I want to take a moment to remind you, though, that keeping a budget doesn’t have to mean looking like you picked your outfit out of a storage box from seventh grade and are trying to call it “vintage.” Sample sales, trunk shows and various store / online promotions are the silver lining of this troubled economic time! So let’s work on turning you into a more savvy, cost-conscious shopper in order to keep your stellar style on track.
Wait, did I forget to mention that you can bargain hunt while being social?! Currently I’m on the board of Fashion For Action, a charity event, basically a large sample sale and party that raises money for Housing Works.
After sorting through the inventory these past 24 hours (PS: Our event is in NYC today, Nov. 13, if you’re in town and want to come), all I can think about is how Cornell students could utilize these deals to make our bars look a little more like the parties in the show Privileged or Gossip Girl. You too can realize your glamour potential!
At events like Fashion For Action, work by high-end designers and clothing that I hope most of you would want are discounted at 50 to 70 percent off. Chanel bags are starting at $795 and Diesel jeans are going for $80! Over 500 pieces of this season’s Theory merchandise will be at the event and even more of Marc by Marc Jacobs stuff (Marc Jacobs is hosting it). Last year, 150 DVF (Diane Von Furstenberg) wrap dresses were donated and they went for an average of $98. Now imagine crush parties with dresses at that price? Much better Facebook albums, I tell you. is also my new Internet BFF. A little bird, my favorite bird, told me about this website that emails you when items in your size, from your favorite designers, go on sale. How amazing is that? As the website says, “It’s like having a personal shopper for free!” Giltgroupe is also a great website that has excellent sales. I have only used it once, and that is because my size always gets sold out first, but for women they have a much better selection. It is invite only, but any member can invite you.

Martin Ambrose is a senior in the College of Hotel Administration. He can be reached at [email protected]. Catch his catty thoughts on your poor style choices on alternate Thursdays in Daze.