Fourty-two percent of students consider their overall Cornell experience excellent, and 47 percent report it as good, according to the results released recently of the Cornell PULSE (Perceptions of Undergraduate Life and Student Experiences) survey administered in February.
The survey polled 6,063 students, 46 percent of the 13,206 to whom survey requests were sent. Questions addressed academic, extracurricular, social and financial concerns. Only 27 percent of students responded to a similar survey administered in 2007.
The current economic crisis has more students concerned about their plans after graduation. 34 percent reported feeling very stressed about future plans, compared to 23 percent in 2007. 35 percent stated the current recession had a moderate impact on their family’s ability to pay tuition, and 25 percent deemed the impact considerable. Only 28 percent were not concerned by financial strains, and just 7 percent were not concerned with future plans.
Results showed that sleep deprivation remains a common problem to many Cornell students. 17 percent of those surveyed often stay up all night to study for an exam or to complete paper, and 35 percent pull all-nighters occasionally. Less than 5 percent of students reported that they feel well-rested every morning, and a plurality of 20 percent receive adequate sleep two nights out of the week.
Of the sample of students surveyed, 54 percent have participated in community service and 50 percent have held a leadership role on campus. 52 percent of Cornellians reported having found a sense of community and belonging on campus.