The equestrian team brought home an Ivy League championship with its 41-point performance on Saturday at Volvo Farm in Westford, Mass. Freshman Justine Gentilini was one of two riders at the event to win both of her classes (Novice Fences and Intermediate Flat) and won the High Point Rider for the competition. Four Cornell riders won individual titles and three finished as reserve champions. Sophomore Rachel Klion won the Novice Fences championship, senior Caroline Shulman won the Open Flat, junior Zoe Samuel won the Intermediate Flat and sophomore Morgan Broccoli won the Advanced Walk/Trot/Canter championship. Cornell’s reserve champions were junior Brooke Cagwin (Open Fences), sophomore Mary Winans (Intermediate Flat) and junior Elizabeth Briggs (Advanced Walk /Trot/ Canter).
Dartmouth came in second at the championships with 36 points. Brown scored 27, Columbia 23, Princeton 22, Yale 21 and Penn had 19 to round out the Ancient Eight.
— Compiled by Keenan Weatherford