Hey guys, my name’s Mike and I’m a freshman studying Human Development at Cornell. In my spare time, I like to play sports, hang out with friends and of course, watch reality shows like Survivor! Enough about me, let’s get to the reason you’re here… A NEW SEASON OF SURVIVOR!Yes, it’s that time again. With the beginning of each school year comes a new season of Survivor, that eases the transition from summer to fall. And with 2 days, 7 hours, 18 minutes and 42 seconds left until the fall premiere, I think it’s time to introduce the cast to all of you. The two tribes have been chosen already are named “La Flor” and “Espada.” Some people look promising, while others seemingly fall short. But, you be the judge!La Flor1. Alina [23] is an art student from California. Her claim to fame is when she completed a 30 mile hike after having her finger bit off by a dog. She hates being called “sweetie” by guys and her Survivor role model is Stephanie from Palau, Guatemala and Heroes v. Villains.Opinion: She seems strong and has a lot of heart and really wants to prove to others that she is more than a pretty face. I see her going very far in the game.2. Benry [24] is a club promoter from California. His claim to fame is being able to run two successful businesses at one time at such a young age. He hates people who are namedroppers and his Survivor role models are all of the previous winners.Opinion: He seems like that he has a good head on his shoulders and is determined to win, but I can see him becominga tribe leader early on and that usually leads to an early exit.3. Brenda [27] owns a paddleboard company and she is from Florida. Her claim to fame is winning a Hispanic beauty pageant. She hates people who complain and her Survivor role model is Ozzy.Opinion: She seems like that she has a good work ethic and that is highly valued in Survivor, but I’m not sure will have the physical strength to compete well in challenges. I see her lasting until about midway throughout the season.4. Chase [24] is a pro racecar jack man from North Carolina. His claim to fame is winning the “John Lotz Award” given to an UNC student who has overcome the most adversity. He hates lazy people and his Survivor role model is J.T.Opinion: He seems like a hard-working Southern guy who will be liked by the majority of people on the tribe. I think he willbe one of the most physical players and become a threat early on, but avoid being voted out due to his social game. 5. Jud [21] is a student from California. His claim to fame is being a good role model to his younger brother. He hates inconsiderate people and his Survivor role model is Ozzy.Opinion: Even though he may be popular with the girls, his “go with the flow” attitude will not get him as far as he thinks he will go. I see him getting out early.6. Kelly B. [26] is a medical student at the UNC Chapel Hill. Her claim to fame is being the fastest amputee to finish the “Ironman World Championships.” She hates when people chew ice and her Survivor role model is Christy Smith.Opinion: She is probably the most determined person this season and is strong both physically and mentally. As long as she does not try to become the ringleader of an alliance, I can see her going to the finals.7. Kelly S. [20] is a nursing student at the University of Hawaii. Her claim to fame is completing her first two years of pre-medical studies at her university. She hates dirty fingernails and her Survivor role model is Elizabeth Hasselback.Opinion: There isn’t really anything distinguishable about her that is sticking out at me as being either good or bad. She’ll probably make it to around merge.8. NaOnka [27] is a PE teacher from California. Her claim to fame is not having kids at age 27. She hates old people driving and she does not have a Survivor role model.Opinion: Although she’ll probably be good at challenges, I don’t see her making a good connection with the people who are on her tribe, leading to her early departure.9. Sash [30] is a real estate broker from New York. His claim to fame is being one of the fastest and youngest real estate brokers on Wall Street. He doesn’t have any big pet peeves and his Survivor role model is Tyson.Opinion: He is a really determined guy and has all of the capabilities to win this game as long as he doesn’t take control too early on. Although his arrogance may cost him the million dollars, I see him going far.10. Shannon [30] owns a pest control company and is from Louisiana. His claim to fame is raising three children. His major pet peeve is dumb people and his Survivor role model is Russell.Opinion: He’ll be one of the most athletic guys on La Flor, but he gives off an aura of unwarranted superiority that I feel like tribe mates will find annoying. I think he will get out somewhat early along.
Espada1. Dan [63] is a real estate executive from New York. His claim to fame is his career and raising his two sons. His major pet peeve is politicians and he does not have a Survivor role model.Opinion: He’s a very successful guy and definitely has the brainpower to outwit others on his tribe. I can see him going relatively far.2. Holly [44] is a swim coach from South Dakota. Her claim to fame is starting her own swimming team and being named “Coach of the Year” twice. She hates standing in line and does not have a Survivor role model.Opinion: She is probably one of the strongest, if not the strongest women on Espada, but that will put a target on her back early on. I can see her being a cutthroat competitor that will not make it very far.3. Jane [56] is a dog trainer from North Carolina. Her claim to fame is winning Best in Show at a national dog competition. Her biggest pet peeve is lazy people and her Survivor role model is Rupert.Opinion: I can see her having a really good social game and being genuinely liked by a large number of people. Although she will probably be one of the weaker people physically, her social game will take her far, but probably not to finals. 4. Jill [43] is an emergency room doctor from Pennsylvania. Her claim to fame is getting through medical school and residency with honours. She hates people who smoke and her Survivor role models are Colby and Tom.Opinion: She is probably one of the smartest tribe mates and seems like a likeable woman, so she’ll probably do well.5. Jimmy J [67] is a former NFL Coach from Florida. His claim to fame is winning two college football championships and winning two NFL Super Bowl championships while coaching the Dallas Cowboys. He dislikes people who are lazy and his Survivor role model is Tom.Opinion: Being a successful football coach, he is used to making many strategies, which will help him when he makes alliances. In addition, being in a physical environment alludes to that he probably will be active enough. I see him going veryfar in the game, possibly finals and maybe winning. But if he reveals his true identity, he might be an early target.6. Jimmy T [48] is a commercial fisherman from Massachusetts. His claim to fame is his children’s successes. He dislikes people who he believes to be incompetent and his Survivor role model is Rupert.Opinion: He seems to be very sociable and his job involves manual labor, so he is probably strong. He’ll do well.7. Marty [48] is a technology executive from California. His claim to fame is when he rescued an injured climber on Mt. Whitney in the dead of winter. He dislikes waiting in line and inconsiderate people.His Survivor role model is Boston Rob and Russell.Opinion: He seems like a strong all-around player and I expect him to either do really well and/or be an early target.8. Tyrone [42] is a fire captain from California. His claim to fame is his ability to stay consistent in his moral values no matter what his external environment. He dislikes mean-spirited and selfish people and his Survivor role model is Tom.Opinion: I feel like that he will be the most physical guy on Espada, but he’ll try to lead the tribe and the so-called tribe leader usually gets the ax early on.9. Wendy [48] is a goat rancher from Montana. Her claim to fame is reaching the Lieutenant Colonel rank in the U.S. Army. She dislikes conceited people who believe they know everything and she does not have a Survivor role model.Opinion: I can see her being hardheaded and clashing with others. Although she does not believe she is like Shambo, I already see the resemblance and don’t see her lasting long10. Yve [41] is a homemaker from Missouri. Her claim to fame is her independent daughters who are always making her proud. Her major pet peeve is not being acknowledged when she speaks and herSurvivor role model is Danni Boatwright.Opinion: I can see her doing moderately well because she has courage and is cunning. She could be this season’s wild card.So there you are, the next 20 average people who will soon to be stepping into a not-so-average situation. My picks for the winner this season are Kelly B or Alina, but in the game of Survivor, it’s really hard to tell.
And remember Survivor is premiering this Wednesday [09/15] at 8:00 PM on CBS, so make sure to check it out!
Original Author: Michael Verini