They say a picture speaks 1000 words; can you make one say it all?
Every year the Sun works hard to capture the images that tell the stories about life at Cornell. Now it’s your turn. Thousand in 1 is the Sun’s new reader submitted photography contest. Every month we’ll choose a theme related to one of Cornell’s latest hot topics and a photography technique. It’s up to you to mix and match to tell your story in one shot. At the end of the month we’ll display the winners in the paper, in a Sun slideshow and here on this blog!
There are three categories for submission: just for fun, beginner and advanced.
Just for Fun: Have an amazing photo of a campus happening? No theme, no technique; we’ll pick the most interesting.
Beginner: Can’t quite do it all? Just stick to the theme, don’t worry about the technique.
Advanced: Want a real challenge? Follow the theme and technique.
There are just four simple rules:
THEME: Cornell Two Ways
DEADLINE: October 17, 2010
PROMPT: In the face of several traumatic student deaths in the past year, Cornell has had to address the presence of the gorges on campus. They are beautiful and sublime, yet dangerous and severe. Cornell is such a diverse collection of people, interests, events and environments that there really are two sides to every story. This month’s theme (Cornell Two Ways) is intended to highlight all the complements, contradictions and ironies. This month’s technique (diptych) is an artful way to combime two images. There are no rules for the layout; the point is that the two photos are together.
So, what dualities do you see at Cornell? Do they complement or contradict each other? What’s your perspective? What’s your story?
**Not a student or alum? That’s okay! Just tell us where you’re from.