Now that six weeks of editorial compet — and a day in Kaufmann Auditorium that felt like six weeks — has come to a close, The Sun’s staff has entrusted a new crop of editors with the keys to the kingdom. Many members of the 132nd Editorial Board, however, still do not have keys to the building. The board may have to keep relying on the 131st to let them in, but the 132nd hopes it will soon be able to come out of the shadow of the 131st and can live up to its high standards. As hard it will be to top being selected as the best college newspaper in the country by The Princeton Review (ever heard of it?) last year, the 132nd is freshly caffeinated and just sleep deprived enough to get the paper out.
The 132nd Editorial Board of The Cornell Daily Sun stands for its first group photo after being elected Saturday. (Shailee Shah / Sun Senior Photographer)