September 11, 2014

Diversity Speaker Invited for ‘Honest and Engaging Dialogue’

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During talks on Wednesdy and Thursday, diversity speaker Maura Cullen addressed multiple groups of Cornellians — including athletes, faculty and the Greek community — about a variety of discrimination issues.

According to Cullen, all people — and specifically, young adults — are guilty of making bad decisions that they would not have made on their own due to peer pressure.

“Sometimes we make poor choices,” Cullen said. “We get in a collective energy — whether it’s with our brothers and sisters, or our teammates — and once we get on a roll, we just keep on rolling. And sometimes, we end up off the tracks.”

Maura Cullen speaks to a filled theatre in Willard Straight Hall about stereotyping and the way it affects students’ lives. (Connor Archard / Sun Sports Photography Editor)