The crowd filling in the front third of the State Theatre’s 1600-seat auditorium on Saturday night was a lot older than I expected. I was seated behind two middle-aged townspeople, presumably on their first date (Not a good one. She spent most of the night playing Candy Crush. He is quoted saying “Are you sure you don’t want another cup of vino? Will it make you nervous if I have another beer?”), and the fair majority of the crowd seemed to be made up of hipsters or hippies, in their early 30s, happy-drunk on the State’s reasonably-priced PBR and swaying to the Sheraton-Maui-elevator-radio that played before the show started (for no apparent reason). I was a little bit disappointed in fair Ithaca’s seeming lack of interest in what I had considered a fairly huge score for Dan Smalls Presents and for our off-the-radar 10 square miles.
Cameron Pollack / Sun Staff Photographer