October was a good month. Despite my personal distaste for the sudden proliferation of pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin-flavored Oreos and pumpkin pies and pumpkin everything, it’s a great time of year, especially on campus. From the absolutely gorgeous autumn scenery to the ridiculous number of impressive pumpkin carvings to the hordes of enthusiastic costume planners, the festive spirit that goes around has a special place in everyone’s hearts. Unless of course you’re that despicable creature that chooses to hate Halloween because “Christmas is better.” Let’s be real here: Would you rather spend your time with people in ugly sweaters or with a wizard, a man carrying a giant scythe and a “kitty?”
Halloween on a college campus is certainly a special time of year. It’s not every day you get to dine a few tables away from Batman or find a freakish ghoul waiting for you in the elevator (not going to lie, it was actually pretty frightening). But what makes October the best month? Well, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad: According to this blogger, it’s not the best month (plot twist, sorry). The good: The best month is now!
That’s right. I love November. I’m someone who puts a lot of value into the weather and general environment, and in November we get to begin with all the beautiful autumn colors. The entire month is a gradual progression toward a pristine time of year, ending as we brace ourselves for the white world of winter as snow flutters to the ground.
November may not be as festive as its neighbors October and December, but it doesn’t lack in important occasions, especially for us college students. As I’m sure most of you are aware of, course registration for the spring semester goes on in early November, and I’m super excited for it! No, really, no sarcasm intended. As a freshman, I’ve gotten a good idea of how round one of college has gone, and now I have the chance to make round two as perfect as possible (although, to my great despair, I am likely going to have to take 9 a.m. classes five days a week).
And don’t forget Thanksgiving and Black Friday. The former is a great time to spend with friends, family and (most importantly) turkey, and even if you don’t really do anything official for Thanksgiving like me, it still feels amazing to sit back and relax. The latter is one of the most gratifying experiences I have each year due to the amount of thorough planning I spend on my yearly wish lists. Black Friday means it’s time to uncap that pen and cross off one thing after another on that list, something that brings me a massive amount of satisfaction.
We have the three best months lined up in a row. Before you know it November will be gone, and December, the home of warm and fuzzy memories, will take its place. As loathe as I am to admit it right after finishing up with Halloween, Christmas is a pretty great holiday as well. And its impending arrival heralds winter break, warm colors, hot coffee and… well… finals. Don’t worry though. Just buckle in, turn up some Christmas music and live in the moment. Because right now is the best time of year.
Zhao Shen is a freshman computer science major in the College of Arts and Sciences. He loves music, movies, milkshakes and penguins, and is currently working on his doctorate degree in procrastination. His posts appear on alternate Tuesdays this semester. He can be reached at [email protected].