Ithaca Underground Presents: Naked Noise #7
Saturday April 9, 9 p.m
at the Community School of Music and Art
It’s no secret that Ithaca is home to a thriving underground music scene. We’ve got hip-hop, punk rock, indie darlings and everything in between, all just crawling out of the woodwork. One of this town’s strongest areas, however, is noise music. Abrasive to some, vital to others, there’s little arguing that noise music is something to talk about, especially what’s churned out on a constant basis by Ithaca’s own luminaries of the scene. This Saturday, April 9, Ithaca Underground will hold its seventh annual celebration of this town’s staggering strength in the genre of noise. Join the likes of Jake Burchard, Jason Calhoun, Kristina Camille, Heather Fae, Beau Mahadev and many, many more as they do their best to unsettle our souls with their synths, screeches, cymbals and assorted sounds. The event will take place at the Community School of Music and Art and will cost only $5.
San Fermin
Wednesday April 13, 8 p.m.
at the Haunt
A year after the release of their second album, Jackrabbit, Brooklyn-based, Yale-educated, 8 member-strong baroque-pop outfit San Fermin will be gracing the stage of the Haunt. Known for their highly literate lyrics, adventurous sound and having toured alongside the likes of the National, St. Vincent and the Arctic Monkeys, the band is assured to thrill and surprise with a sound that just can’t be pinned down. Tickets are still available from Dan Smalls Presents.
Cooper, White and Skaggs
Saturday April 16, 8 p.m.
at the State Theatre
Haven’t had a nice wholesome musical experience in a while? Looking for a night of bluegrass pickin’ and country kickin’? Well, you’re in luck! On April 16, blues, gospel and bluegrass string-wielding legends Ry Cooder and Ricky Skaggs will be joined on the State’s stage by country crooner Sharon White. With so much talent packed onto one stage, there’s no way this show could be anything but a rollicking good time. Tickets are still available from Dan Small Presents.
Fanclub Collective Presents Cayuga Lounge: Novelty Daughter, Sangama, Kristina Camille, Geometry House
Friday April 15, 8 p.m.
at Cayuga Lodge
Sometimes, all we need after a long week of studying is to just chill out. Luckily, Fanclub Collective is offering up just the opporunity next Friday night. On April 15, come on down to the basement of Cayuga Lodge (630 Stewart Ave.) if you feel like being serenaded like you’ve never been before. With genres ranging from hip-hop, to electro-folk, to jazz-fusion, to chill-out the Lodge’s basement will have all the makings of a perfectly smooth, perfectly relaxed way to end your week. These four acts have got what it takes to make you dance and make you chill all at the same time.
Cayuga’s Waiters
Friday, April 22
Bailey Hall
Each spring for the past 41 years, the gentlemen of Cayuga’s Waiters have melodically crooned and strummed the heartstrings of their adoring fans at their annual Spring Fever Concert. Founded in 1949, the Waiters are not only Cornell’s oldest a cappella group, but also one of the university’s oldest traditions. Tickers are still on sale at You won’t want to miss this one: there will be an unprecedented surprise performance by a special guest.

Guerilla Toss, Lust, tba
Thursday April 28, 8 p.m.
at Cayuga Lodge
Guerilla Toss has been making waves (figuratively and sonically) for the past few years. Joined by Lust and a few more Ithaca punks to be announced, their swing through Ithaca is destined for greatness.
Pile, Palehound, Lust, Shore Acres Drive, Teencat
Saturday April 30, 7 p.m.
at the Haunt
Undoubtedly one of Ithaca Underground’s strongest lineups of the year so far, Pile and Palehound — two of the indie circuit’s most talked about bands of the past year — will be joined by three of Ithaca’s most talented: Lust, Shore Acres Drive and Teencat. With a lineup so perfectly balanced between hometown talent and big-name alt-stars, there’s no way that this show at the Haunt will be anything less than stellar. Look out for tickets on sale soon.