April 19, 2018

EDITORIAL: Bring Back Interim Suspension Statement Policy

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The Student Assembly will consider a resolution reinstating the University’s interim suspension statement policy today, proposed by Joseph Anderson ’20 and Natalia Hernandez ’21. Prior to the 2017-2018 academic year, the University released statements when campus organizations were placed on interim suspension — a status that limits organizations’ activities while they are being investigated for infractions — but it has not done so this year. We strongly urge the Student Assembly to pass this resolution, and for President Pollack to approve and implement it expediently.

If the University has reason to suspend an organization, the student body should be made as aware as well, particularly if the issue under investigation involves student safety. It is irresponsible to allow uninformed students to put themselves into potentially dangerous situations by interacting with such suspended organizations. Investigations can stretch on for months, and rather than risk exacerbating the underlying issues, the University should be upfront about its actions and any precautions Cornellians should take.

Both the University judicial system and the Greek Judicial Board can be frustratingly opaque in their proceedings. This lack of transparency only serves to generate more questions, create more confusion and sow distrust among the student body. While we understand the need to protect the private or personal information often involved in those proceedings, Cornell must also consider the consequences of obfuscating much of its disciplinary action. Anderson and Hernandez’s Resolution #38 is a step in the right direction, and we strongly encourage the entire Student Assembly to vote it through during today’s meeting.


Student Assembly meets today at 4:45 in the Willard Straight Memorial Room. Meetings are open to the community, and we urge all interested students to attend and voice their opinions during the meeting’s Open Microphone session.