Multiple food and beverage vendors gathered at Cornell Dining’s annual West Campus Food show on Monday at Noyes Community Center to showcase their products and give out samples to students.
Each year, Cornell Dining brings in food and beverage companies that provide products for on-campus dining locations such as Jansen’s Market.
This year, vendors such as Awake Chocolate, Chobani and Sundia put out a variety of samples for students to enjoy.
“We’re hosting this event for the students,” said Harry Ashendorf, the operations manager for Cornell Dining. “We want to let them know where the products they buy on campus come from.”
The vendors were eager to introduce their products to Cornell students, especially out-of-state and international students.
“Cornell’s student population comes from many different parts of the world,” explained John Telesk, operations manager of Utz. “A lot of them have not heard about our brand.”
Elisia Krafchin of Noosa Yoghurt shared similar sentiments.
“We only started selling on campus last year, and we just want to introduce our products to the students,” Krafchin said.
Nicole Nagura ’20 spoke with The Sun about her impressions of the event.
“There are some healthy options that I didn’t know existed,” Nagura said. “And I was glad for the opportunity to try products that I normally wouldn’t buy.”
Ashendorf expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the West Campus Food Show.
“We’ve been doing this for a while now, it really is a special event,” he said.