Six boxes of donuts, ten extra large cheese pizzas and a couple of gallons of coffee into Saturday, The Sun elected its 137th editorial board. But throughout the last six weeks, editors in training learned about more than just adhering to the official diet of our newspaper: the nitty-gritty of Sun Style — for many, a tragic break from the Oxford comma — and working with writers, designers, photographers and technological geniuses to make sure Cornellians and Ithacans have a copy of The Sun in their hands.
Taking The Sun into another year of exploring its print and digital presence as editor in chief is Anu Subramaniam ’20, who will step from her news editor shoes into another pair of athleisure kicks that will take the paper to greater distances — perhaps even greater than the distance she drove from the office once to buy cheese. We’re excited to see what a gouda job you will do, Anu.
Long gone are the days of reporting on Apple Fest for managing editor Sarah Skinner ’21, who surfed her way from The Outer Banks, N.C. to Ithaca, and then from assistant news editor to now the overseer of the news, sports and science departments. Joining her ranks as assistant managing editor is Marvel enthusiast Meredith Liu ’20, who the entire board agrees is herself a marvel. Meredith, you’re our superhero.
Associate editor Paris Ghazi ’21 didn’t know that shifting from the news department to the editorial side of The Sun meant that she had to be witty.
It’s no secret that a bunch of writers don’t know much about how the internet actually works, but web editor Natalie Fung ’20 will help The Sun not only reach a larger readership but enter uncharted project opportunities.
The office is excited to accommodate another year of Raphy Gendler ’21’s G-rated jokes (is being wholesome a requirement for all Minnesotans?). Joining him in the sports department are Boston sports aficionado Christina Bulkeley ’21 and Miles Henshaw ’20.
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Sabrina Xie ’21, who believes that her 30 minute meditation is a remedy to not sleeping and eating, will hopefully find the time to catch a few z’s, write and design during her next year as design editor.
One time at an editorial board meeting last semester, photography editor Boris Tsang ’21 wore a leather jacket and no one has forgotten how benevolent he is since. Helping him bring life to our pages as assistant photography editors are Jing Jiang ’21 and Ben Parker ’22. This year, we hope we learn to love ourselves as much as Ben Parker loves Ben Parker.
We’re also thrilled to see blogs editor Amber Krisch ’21’s creative energy extend from organic chemistry memes to the blogs department. Also working with her to revamp Sunspots is blogs editor Noah Harrelson ’21. Noah, no one with an orange beanie could disappoint us.
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Science editors Shriya Perati ’21 and Sophie Reynolds ’20 both hail from California. Even though their home state is often on fire, they like to provide excellent content on polar vortexes for our pages.
Shaping the news scene of The Sun for the next year are four news editors. You can be 100 percent sure that Rochelle Li ’21 will bring her analytical skills in everyday decision making to her editing and her reporting. The effortly effortless Amina Kilpatrick ’21 will continue to glow in yellow and in this position. Maryam Zafar ’21, who frequently falls on ice and on stable ground, will only keep elevating the coverage of this publication. And to ILRie Johnathan Stimpson ’21’s parents: though you see unions as a dying trade, we hope you know your son will help keep journalism a thriving one. Joining them in the news department are assistant news editors Nicole “I’m from Princeton, N.J. not Montgomery” Zhu ’21, Amanda “I read The New York Times before you could read” Cronin ’21, Anyi “I probably go to more concerts than you” Cheng ’21, and Shivani “I have more minors than you” Sanghani ’20.
Multimedia editor Emma Wang ’20 is ready to wow our audience with her documentary skills. And you may know Snapchat editor Ryan Richardson ’21 from The Sun’s Snapchat Discover videos, but we also know him for his infectious laugh.
Arts editor Peter Buonanno ’21 gets a body modification for every semester that he works for The Sun. What will it be this time, Pete — a piercing, tattoo or a new hair-do? When he’s not looking for love, Jeremy Markus ’22 will be collaborating with “Sk8r boy” Daniel Moran ’21 as assistant arts editors.
We’re so grateful that layout editor Lei Lei Wu ’21 brought her InDesign skills from her time as editor in chief of her high school paper to The Sun, and hope that between our dumb questions about how to make headlines larger and move a text box, she gets around to her physics homework. Dana Chan ’21 will be taking over the exclusively-nocturnal role of production editor. And how could we forget our graphics editor Alicia Wang ’21, who the entire office wishes they could be best friends with.
LeAnn McDowall ’21 will be serving as the first-ever, long-time necessary newsletter editor. News editors, you owe your 30 extra minutes of sleep each night to LeAnn. And if you’re wondering whether you should go vegetarian at Cornell, look for no other resource than dining editor Katie Zhang ’21.