Voting for Student Election Day began on Wednesday at 2 p.m. EDT for Student-Elected Trustee, the 2021 Student Assembly and the Class Councils.
The opening of voting comes a full day after it was intended to, following technical difficulties with the voting website.
In the Student Assembly, there are 11 contested races and seven uncontested races. Six students are running for Student-Elected Trustee, the highest governing office. The student elected to this position will serve as a full-voting member of the Cornell University Board of Trustees for a two-year term, from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023.
Students can access their ballots by logging onto The personal statement for each of the candidates is linked to their name on the ballot.
Uncontested races and those with only two candidates for one open position are unranked, meaning voters will select the candidate of their choice.
Races with one open position and three or more candidates are ranked. Students will be asked to rank as many candidates as they like in order of preference on their ballots.
Leaderboard 2
If a student only votes for a candidate who is eliminated because they received the least votes, the student’s vote will not count for that race. However, the rest of the ballot will be counted as normal.
Once a ballot is submitted, the voter will receive a confirmation notice on their screen and by email.
Here is what the candidates had to say during their debates:
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S.A. Elections Kick Off With At-Large and Undergraduate Representative Debates
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Voting closes on Friday, April 30 at 5 p.m. EDT.