From rigorous class workloads to days-long preparation for exams, many Cornellians find themselves devoting their post-midnight hours to school work. To increase campus accessibility for students who choose to study late at night or early in the morning, Mann Library has changed the hours of Mann 112 to 24/7 operation.
The library, located on the Agriculture Quad, is a favorite study space among students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and other schools alike, who appreciate its quiet and comfortable character. Many of these students expressed excitement at the expanded hours.
John Raimonda ’24, who often chooses to work in Mann because most of his classes are located on the Agriculture Quad, said the extended hours improved the library’s convenience. Raimonda, like many CALS students, found himself forced to relocate to other libraries at late hours prior to the shift in policy.
“So many nights, the 10 p.m. closing of Mann forced me to relocate to Olin or Uris,” Raimonda said. “This was definitely not ideal when all I wanted to do was finish studying and go home rather than wasting time relocating.”
The 24-hour study space includes many features necessary for a successful night of cramming, including group and individual study spaces, comfortable seating options and access to C.U. Print printers.
“I don’t know why the library closed so early before,” said Amanda Choi ’25, whose frequent heavy workload has often required her presence on campus late into the night.
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The Stone Computer Classroom located in Mann 103 is also open 24/7, providing essential computer access to many students. Both 112 and 103 are open to Cornell students at all hours of the day, although late night access to the building requires a student ID card.
While many students expressed gratitude for the University’s decision to expand the Mann Library’s hours, some expressed wishes for further alterations to building hours. Although a few buildings on campus are open 24/7 — such as the cocktail lounge in Uris Library and Goldwin Smith Hall — most close their doors to students at either 10 p.m. or midnight.
“In my opinion, all major study spaces should be open 24/7 because of the major workload here at Cornell,” said Julia VanPutte ’24. “Being kicked out of any space while you are stressed out adds to your stress.”
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While the University has not stated any plans to open more buildings for 24/7 access, students, such as Susan Cook ’25, appreciate the addition of Mann 112 to the list of late-night study spaces.
“I think it’s really great that Cornell is finally accommodating to its students’ needs more,” Cook said.