To The Editor:
Against popular opinion, I must say I am truly enjoying all of the content you are publishing. From topics on free speech to Greek life — you’re doing it all. And you’re doing it poignantly. That being said, I need you to relax this week. All these serious topics on local and national events is, how do I put this, killing my vibe. Today is perhaps the most important national holiday after St. Patrick’s Day. I know how important your job is, but could you possibly consider taking the day off today? Maybe meet me on the slope for a quick smoke and I can pitch you my idea on why twinkies are the best drug day snack.
I see how you make your way to The Cornell Daily Sun Office every week. Textbooks in hand after a long day of classes only to spend another few hours reading the countless emails and guest submissions from angry readers. For my sake, and yours as well, how about you call in sick today and celebrate this holy day with us? What will it be: Indica or Sativa? I admire all you do, editor, really. But today I hope to see nothing but you enjoying the fresh air and warm weather as we ride this breeze towards spring.
Lukewarm regards,
A devoted (and usually stoned) reader.