At a time when
the world has lost its touch —
When the despot and the democrat
fail to resolve their strife, bringing war and suffering abroad —
When the fired gun and the flaming globe
now claim lives with the callousness of cancer at home —
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When the young man’s beer breath and profane word
take form as a new kind of polluted air in our neighborhoods —
When the human impulse for rebelliousness and temporary highs
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replaces Dignity, Grace, and Duty —
There seems to be only one source of salvation.
Bejeweled, glimmering defiantly in spite of the day’s spring downpour
It takes the form of a mere accessory upon Charles’ peppered head.
A provider of some semblance of hope for a more level-headed global union.
The Crown.
Cameron Hines is a sophomore in the college of Industrial & Labor Relations. He can be reached at [email protected]. Comments can be sent to [email protected]. Guest Room runs periodically this semester.