Update, Nov. 1, 7:09 p.m.: Power was restored to North Campus at 6:40 p.m., and residents of Ganędagǫ: Hall received an email asking them to close their windows and refrain from showering until further notice due to the outage.
North Campus and part of Central Campus lost power starting at approximately 2:57 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 1. Power was restored to North Campus at 6:40 p.m.
Buildings identified to have been impacted include dorm and service buildings on North Campus, such as High Rise 5 and Robert Purcell Community Center, and Central Campus halls, such as Goldwin Smith Hall and Corson Hall, according to Information Technology at Cornell’s website.
Campus Wi-Fi network services may be disrupted due to the power outage. Cornell Facilities and Campus Services have begun repairs within the buildings identified to be impacted.
As of 7 p.m., no updates about the power outage have been directly communicated by Campus Alerts — the University website that provides information on urgent situations on campus — aside from the alert regarding the possible network outage. The New York State Electric and Gas website has also not been updated to reflect the power outage.
An email sent to residents of Ganędagǫ: Hall — obtained by The Sun — stated that the power outage impacted the domestic hot water and heat exchanger facilities. Residents were asked to close their windows and refrain from taking a shower until further notice.