Your search for Anne Chow returned 41 results

Friends of Wojciechowski, Deceased Lab Technician, Say She Brightened Up Their Days

Karen Wojciechowski, a Cornell lab technician who died on May 26 after a nine-month battle with a rare form of cancer, brightened the lives of those around her, her friends said. She was 49. After earning an associate degree in animal husbandry and a bachelor of science degree in biology, Wojciechowski came to Cornell to work with researchers in the lab of Prof. David Barbano Ph.D. ’76, food science. She later presented Cornell’s dairy science research in France and in the Netherlands. Outside of the lab, Wojciechowski had a passion for animals that was shared by her coworkers.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The Force is Strong with New Obi-Wan Kenobi Series

Despite some filler episodes and early narrative missteps, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s conclusion makes the whole series worth watching, serving as a powerful footnote for a character whose quietly tragic gravity binds the Skywalker saga together.

Food Ethics | To Make Margaritas

To make margaritas, you need lime juice, and a lot of it. Limes are not native to central New York, so I knew this would constitute the greatest sacrifice of food miles. However, due to our special occasion, I decided it was a worthwhile sacrifice. Isaac is Mexican and missing home, so I hoped this would bring him joy. As we were both very hungry, Isaac offered to help me juice the limes.