After revoking the recognition of the Gamma Theta chapter of Sigma Nu for “no less than three years,” the University has published the violations that led to their decision on its hazing website.
The violations of the University’s hazing policies, according to the update, included blindfolding new members, dropping them off in a wooded area, excessive drinking, hosing down new members who were in their underwear, inappropriate gesturing, physical exercise and homophobic slurs.
The investigation found that brothers of Sigma Nu had engaged in hazing behaviors at the “beginning of the new member period.” According to the report, “brothers informed the new members that the hazing would get worse.”
The chapter lost its recognition on May 6, following a more-than-three-month-long judicial process through the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Division of Student and Campus Life led by Vice President Ryan Lombardi.
After the investigation, a five-year revocation of recognition was levied, but due to the appeals process, the chapter’s punishment was reduced to three years by Lombardi. In an earlier interview with The Sun, Lombardi confirmed that the delay in posting this decision on the hazing website was due to the appeals process.
Hazing reports viewed by The Sun consisted of phrases like “I want this to stop,” or “makes me want to kill myself,” but Lombardi said the reports themselves are not the sole contributor to the decision.
“The reports, on their own, is not solely what leads to the outcome. It’s a combination of reports that come in, additional fact-finding that takes place, the hearing, and the conversation that they had with the chapter leadership as they go through with that process,” he said.
If the chapter’s request for recognition is approved in the future, it will remain on probationary recognition status for a period of “no less than two years.” As of right now, “if they desire,” current and new members of Sigma Nu are allowed to join other chapters as there is no prohibition, according to Lombardi.
The University declined to provide any additional comments at this time.

University Releases Details About Sigma Nu’s Suspension
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