I am astounded by the kid-gloves coverage by the Sun of the Cornell football program. In Cornell's nearly 70 years in the Ivy League, the University has somehow managed to share the title a total of only 3 times, and has never outright won the league.
Head Coach David Archer’s record is 21-59. Cornell should not countenance that kind of failure in anything it does, especially in football where it invests considerable resources, including many precious admissions spots. We have recruited the last six University Presidents from Big-10 and Pac-12 schools, where records of 59-21 get coaches fired, yet they come here and support a non-competitive football program.
Week after week, year after year, decade after decade Cornell football is an embarrassment. There is no accountability in the athletic department at any level. The Sun’s coverage perpetuates this by failing to ask Coach Archer hard questions about the repeated failures of his teams, to question whether he should continue to retain his job and to ask the same of the athletic director.
Andrew Wong '89