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Friday, March 14, 2025


Bundle Up Cheaply: Best Coat Bargains In Ithaca

Creeping into early November, it can start to feel like owning a Canada Goose coat is required to be a formal student at Cornell. Like clockwork every year, the thick, black silhouettes emerge when the temperature slips below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Sidechat likes to poke fun at the fact that an overwhelming number of students on this campus sport designer coats that cost a pretty penny. The most affordable women's Canada Goose down coat, the Cypress Jacket, costs 850 dollars, while the most expensive, Paradigm Expedition Parka, costs 1,995 dollars. It can feel isolating not knowing where to find an affordable winter coat.

If you are like me and from the northeast, you know the importance of a staple winter jacket. However, if you are unfamiliar with upstate New York’s treacherous winter climate (and a denier that the cold will, yes, get to you eventually), you may be in the market for a jacket. And if you are still disagreeing, the only thing I have to say is just wait.

Whether you have accepted the fact that you will succumb to the cold now or you’re cycling back to this article three weeks from now as a result of denying the reality of the situation, I am here to point you toward the best places to invest in an affordable coat just in time for the impending temperature drop.

If you’re looking for a coat with the lowest sticker price in the area, you’ll want to check out Plato’s Closet. This retail store buys and sells gently used clothing and outerwear in South Meadow Square in Ithaca, which can be accessed via TCAT’s Route 15, also known as “Southside Shopper.” Last weekend marked the beginning of the store’s coat event, with a new assortment of trendy coats on the rack for up to 70 percent off retail prices. Along the racks, name-brand manufacturers such as Calvin Klein, Guess, and Northland Professional range from 25 to 40 dollars. Plato’s Closet is an excellent option for those looking for unique, affordable finds at dramatically lower prices than your typical clothing store. Plus, you’ll get the bonus of being a sustainable king or queen for thrifting a coat for this winter. Going on a Thursday might save you money, as long as you bring your student ID, as the Ithaca Plato’s permanently reserves Thursdays for 15 percent off with a student ID. 

TJ Maxx sits across the street and in the strip mall, which can also be accessed by Route 15. It is the next place you’ll want to explore to find deals on designer and standard winter coats. Unlike at Plato’s Closet, you’re more likely to find a wide variety of long coats, which may be a better option for those looking for substantive parkas. At the higher end, brands such as DKNY and Michael Kors have retail prices of around 300 dollars and discounted prices of around 89.99 dollars. Also available were Nautica and Tommy Hilfiger styles, which ran for 59.99 dollars.

Old Navy, which sits just a few doors down from TJ Maxx, has potential for your next winter coat, too. Its sherpa parkas and its puffer jackets are on sale for 34.99 dollars. Walmart is another location for coat prospecting, as it is just an eight-minute walk from Old Navy and has coats averaging about 40 dollars. Both stores are accessible on TCAT’s Route 15, and you can walk from one to the other.

Though expensive, REI Co-Op, an American retail and outdoor recreation services cooperation could be good options for finding the right coat fit. If you are looking for a reliable coat brand but are unwilling to spend the amount of the retail price, it is worth checking out REI to try on some options and then going on an online second-hand clothing platform to buy a coat. For example, if you get fitted for a Patagonia jacket in-person at REI, you can look for the same coat in an online second-hand store, two of which being Depop and Poshmark. You may be surprised to come across the same 60-dollar Patagonia coat.

When speaking with a salesperson on the floor of REI, I was told there are often sales promotions for winter coats for REI Co-Op members. However, the subscription is 30 dollars a year, which may not be worth it to those looking to make a one-time purchase. Still, this is another way to get discounted prices on designer, durable winter coats (if that is your goal).

Something to consider for the future is the annual Dump and Run sale, a fall event that resells high-quality clothing and items donated by students leaving campus in May. Winter coats are often sold at a fraction of their retail price at the event. Not only are the coats for sale affordable, but they are also practical, as Cornell students have worn and loved them before donation. Though the next one is next fall, knowing that that resource is available to you is helpful. For students who qualify, they may be eligible for funds for winter gear from Student and Campus Life collaborates with Cornell’s FGLI (First Generation Low Income) Student Support. Their Access Fund application is currently open until November 22, and they can cover up to 250 dollars for winter clothing. 

Ithaca temperatures can be an adjustment, and seeing your peers casually walking around in winter gear worth hundreds of dollars (if not over a thousand) can be a gut punch. However, I hope you can find some comfort in knowing there are other options. At the end of the day, it is about finding a coat you feel comfortable purchasing—that is, once you finally accept that the hoodie just won’t cut it anymore.

Maia Mehring is a sophomore in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. She can be reached at

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