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The Cornell Daily Sun (
Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ keynote presentation from the company’s annual September iPod event just ended in San Francisco. The rumor mill got it pretty much spot-on this time around, with almost every announcement having been predicted beforehand by the blogs. Some highlights from the show:
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Click below to download the 2008 Summer Sublet Guide in PDF Form. (Adobe Acrobat or compatible reader required.)
NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Greetings from sunny New Haven! Actually, today was overcast, raining, and cold (although not quite as bad as it is in Ithaca, for sure), but after a five-hour trek from the Hill down to Connecticut, we’re here nonetheless.
Why, you ask? The Yale Daily News hosted a conference this weekend on the web operations of college newspapers, and I came here with a delegation from The Sun, including Assistant Web Editor Mike Wacker ’10 and editors emeritus Julie Geng ’08 and G. Scott Russ ’10, to attend the conference. We’re all really excited to be here; every paper does things differently, so everyone had some experience to share with each other.
require_once(drupal_get_path('theme','supernova') . '/template.php');
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$adsense_channel = 6; //UPDATE THIS with the proper channel ID for this section from the AdSense module
$blogs_vid = 17;
$ncaa_tid = array(924);
//Load all the NCAA sports stories
$result = db_query_range("SELECT t.nid
FROM {term_node} t
JOIN {node} n ON t.nid = n.nid
LEFT JOIN {sunweight} s ON n.nid = s.nid
WHERE tid IN (%s)
AND n.status=1
ORDER BY n.created DESC, s.weight ASC",
implode(',',$ncaa_tid), 0, 10);
$ncaa = array();
while($n = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if($n->nid == $sports[0]->nid)
$ncaa[] = node_load($n->nid);
//popular stories block
$block = module_invoke(‘views’, ‘block’, ‘view’, ‘popular_blogs’);
echo ‘
echo $block[‘content’] . ‘
//buttons ad unit
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print “
print adsense_display(‘120×90’, $adsense_unit, $adsense_channel);
} else {
print adsense_display(‘120×90’, $adsense_unit, $adsense_channel);
print “
print adsense_display(‘120×90’, $adsense_unit, $adsense_channel);
foreach($ncaa as $node) { ?>
} ?>
=l('See all stories >>’,’taxonomy/term/924′);?>