2016 Election
Cornell Professors Weigh Role of Religion in Presidential Election
“I actually think it might be playing less of a role — or a less clear role — this time than in the past,” he said.
The Cornell Daily Sun (https://cornellsun.com/author/emilyfriedman/)
“I actually think it might be playing less of a role — or a less clear role — this time than in the past,” he said.
Alpha Xi Delta will also host fundraisers — including bake sales and its annual ‘Chill by the Grill’ barbecue — to raise money for autism research, according to Clay.
“Us as a body saying that we are going to make an organization do what we want it to do is something that I think is overstepping our power as a representative body,” Stefanko said.
“It’s really the lifeblood of our organization,” said David Peck, grad. “If we can’t have events there, there is almost nowhere else on campus where we could move.”
“Now, unfortunately, the Dennis-Newton House is condemned and in disrepair, but Alpha Phi Alpha wants to claim, restore and revive this building that was essential to their founding,” said Jay DiLorenzo.
The administration has been receptive to several of Black Student United’s demands, including changing the name of the Cornell Plantations and dedicating career services staff members to minority recruiting, according to Amber Aspinall ’17.
While student leaders in Cornell Democrats and Cornell Republicans said they were not surprised by the results of the New Hampshire primaries on Tuesday, the parties agreed that the outcomes reveal “drastic changes to the electorate.”
A study recently released in December by the School of Hotel Administration combats the commonly held view that increasing minimum wage would lower a restaurant’s profitability. The controversial new study — conducted by Prof. Michael Lynn, hotel administration, and Prof. Christopher Boone, hotel administration — shows that modest increases in the minimum wage over the last 20 years have not affected the number of restaurants or employment levels. Boone said the study — titled “Have Minimum Wage Increases Hurt the Restaurant Industry? The Evidence Says No!” — was prompted by the United States’ new focus on wages that resulted from the recent recession. “There have been a large number of proposals to raise the minimum wage at the national, state, and local levels,” Boone said.
Approximately 26 veterinary students reported injuries in the 2014-2015 academic year, representing 63 percent of reported graduate student injuries. Additionally, around 25 percent of the total reported injuries were classified as cuts, lacerations and abrasions. The University has pooled this data after implementing a new set of procedures to handle graduate student injuries, responding to a Graduate and Professional Student Assembly resolution from 2014. The new process allows students to formally record an injury through Cornell’s injury report system. After graduate and professional students seek medical help, they should file an accident report, through this new online portal, according to a University press release.
Atlantic Philanthropies, an organization that has given billions of dollars to support projects around the world, will donate its archives, along with a $4 million gift, to Cornell. Since its founding in 1982 by Chuck Feeney ’56, Atlantic Philanthropies has given numerous gifts to Cornell totalling nearly $1 billion for the University, including $350 million for Cornell Tech and a gift establishing the and Cornell tradition. After a year-long tour and selection process, the organization has decided to house its archives in Cornell University Library’s Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections. “We selected Cornell not because it was Chuck’s alma mater, but because Cornell has the best digital resources in the country,” said Christopher Oechsli, president and CEO of Atlantic Philanthropies. Garrett said Feeney’s impact can be seen “everywhere you turn,” citing the numerous contributions his organization has made for the University and the immense effect he has had in shaping the University over the years.