Laptop Use Bothers Profs

Students and faculty at Cornell constantly feel the affects of technology, whether they are checking assignments on Blackboard, preparing PowerPoint presentations for class or pre-enrolling with Bear Access at 6 a.m. However, recent debates at Columbia over laptop use in the classroom have raised questions about whether there should be university limits to where technology belongs.

Economist Draws Correlation Between Education, Health Care

Yesterday afternoon, Sandra Decker, an economist and researcher at the National Center for Health Statistics, gave Cornell students and faculty an eye-opening look at the issues and problems surrounding United States health care in her lecture, “The Policy and Legal Implications of Health Care Inequities.”

Pop-Up Machines May Protect Whale Species

The North Atlantic Right Whale, because it floats when it dies, earned its name as the “right” whale to kill in the 15th century. This fact almost drove them to extinction, and according to Christopher Clark, director of the Bioacoustics Research Program in the Laboratory of Ornithology at Cornell, they have never completely recovered.