Halloween's Time for a Little Fun

Your first glance at today’s CornellSun.com might have been a bit shocking, to say the least. Who donated $40 million? Why didn’t Jonny O’s win the “Wildest Bar in America” award? This is just plain ludicrous! Well, before you complain to your congressman, we at The Sun actually just want to wish you a Happy Halloween! The articles you saw previously are a part of our semi-annual joke issue–the other one is printed on April 1st–and we’re sorry to tell you that nothing you read is true, unfortunately. As much as we’d love to buy the motivational tapes Jim Knowles is purported to be selling, they don’t exist.

But we’re certainly glad you’ve found the real part of the site, with stories you can reliably believe, if you so choose. Have fun trick-or-treating!

Colbert Brings Satire, T-Shirt Gun to Barton Hall

The embodiment of pure truthiness, standing in at 5’11” and 180 pounds, Stephen Colbert entertained over 5,000 Cornellians and Ithacans in two consecutive shows at Barton Hall last Friday. The comedian, a self-proclaimed whiz of sharp-edge satire and intellectual wordplay, is the star of the Comedy Central show The Colbert Report and is a regular contributor to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
“Who thinks I’m news? I’m not news. I make shit up all the time,” Colbert said, in reference to college-age students getting more news from his show than genuine news reports. “I have no journalistic integrity! I give just enough information to get my joke across!”

Summer Blogging at The Sun

From the Editor

During the summertime, The Sun usually puts up a simple message at the top of our website, indicating that we’ll have a largely static front page online over the next three months. Most other college newspapers do the same, as staff writers and editors end up scattering to all corners of the world. This summer, however, we want to provide our readers with something new to read on our website regularly, and so we present an entirely new section: blogging.

Kristof Critiques Darfur Crisis

Pulitzer winner pushes prioritization

Nearly 600 Cornellians attended yesterday’s lecture by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Nicholas Kristof in Kennedy’s Call Auditorium, on the topic of the Darfur genocide. Kristof, who is currently a New York Times columnist, received a standing ovation for his report on the dire situation in Sudan and his proposals for what can be done to change it. In 2006, Kristof won a second Pulitzer for his coverage of the genocide.

Table Tennis Knows No Borders

C.U. ping pong puts new spin on diversity

Nothing brings people together like sports games do. So while our university continues to engage in heated discussions about whether program houses promote diversity, members of Cornell’s table tennis club already know they are a sterling example of the cultural richness of our campus.

Convocation Comm. Reveals Problems Selecting Speaker

It may come as no surprise that this year’s process for selecting the Convocation speaker, CNN correspondent Soledad O’Brien, did not go well. According to members of the Convocation Committee, however, it was Cornell’s administration that did not meet expectations when it came to finding a speaker.

CNN Story Sparks Debate

Clip said program houses were ‘self-segregating’

Cornell was recently featured in a CNN news clip titled “Divided We Stand: Self-Segregation” on a program hosted by Paula Zahn, sandwiched between clips on high school students in cafeterias and an affluent neighborhood in a suburb of Atlanta, Ga. The video prompted Lindsay Bober ’09, a resident advisor in Clara Dickson Hall, to hold a discussion on the topic of program houses and CNN’s portrayal of the University in its video clip. A dozen students and staff attended the forum last night.

Chinese Envoy Speaks to C.U.

News Analysis: Ambassador's Cornell visit to bring more opportunities

Yesterday marked a milestone in Cornell-China relations, as the highest-ranking Chinese diplomat in the United States, Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong, visited campus to deliver a lecture and to meet with President David J. Skorton and faculty members.